When Managers Slip Up
The five worst mistakes – and how to prevent them
ISBN: 978-3-86881-530-6
Redline Verlag, Munich 2014
Why does management make so many mistakes, today? On every floor, you have frenzied discussions, detailed analyses and lots and lots of meetings, but not much actually gets done, and if it does, then it’s often too slow and too complicated.
Lots of people manage to muddle through their work day somehow. However, they don’t do much more than the absolute minimum. What is it that keeps intelligent, competent executives, managers, high potentials, young professionals, mothers, fathers and other reasonable people from doing the things that need to be done? There are a lot of good reasons for that, you may say.
But in fact, there are really only five, which can easily be counted on the fingers of one hand. These five fatal fingers are to blame when managers fall flat on their faces. These five slip-ups are unfortunately pervasive but they are also avoidable. Klaus Schuster demonstrates his appropriately named 5 finger model in his latest book filled with humor, a lot of practical examples, and many useful tips and tools.